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Friday, April 22, 2016

April 22, 2016

TGIF! Finally Friday! It has been a long week…but some things have actually improved!

I called my step mother last night to see how she was doing…and she is doing very well. She has immersed herself in yardwork, dieting, and getting reacquainted with some old friends. She is also returning to an active status in her church. All of these things are wonderful…and they are what my dad would have wanted for her.

I have found my own mood and emotions lifting this week…much to my surprise and joy. For the first time in a year or more…I awoke this morning with no neck or back pain. I have had really awful pain in both on a daily basis for over a year. A trip to the doctor early on resulted in a diagnosis of stress…and he gave me a muscle relaxant and valium…neither of which I can take until bedtime… (although he prescribed them twice to three times daily). So…when I awoke this morning and had no pain…I was more than surprised…and sooooo happy! I had forgotten what it felt like to feel good in the morning!

I am looking forward to this weekend! We are taking Sophie to the circus tomorrow morning….I LOVE THE CIRCUS! I always have! The weather is forecast to be warm and sunny this weekend…with the highs reaching nearly 80! With any luck at all…we will get to enjoy the great weather and relax!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April 20, 2016

The last several days have been a mixed bag…and very busy…with no time to write…so I will try to do a brief recap.

Saturday – Our daughter was scheduled for a business trip…to a retreat 4 hours away. She was supposed to leave on Sunday morning, so we decided to go to her house to keep our granddaughter while she was away. We normally keep her at our house when her mom is out of town…but this time I was scheduled for the early shift on Monday at my job…which meant that my husband would take Punky to pre-school on his way to work…and our daughters house is closer to pre-school than ours is. So, we packed up bag and baggage and both of our dachshunds…and headed across town to stay for the next three nights and four days.  Punky is asthmatic…so anytime she gets the sniffles…there is the potential for worse…and she was sniffling on Saturday evening. She was also very excited that “Pa Da” (she calls grandpa “Pa” and as a toddler called me “Da”…which has now changed to “gramma”. But when she refers to the two of us together…it is “Pa Da”)…were coming to spend several nights at her house.

Sunday – Punky awoke with a very runny nose, but no coughing. Our daughter left around 10:30 a.m. for her trip. It was pouring rain…so we decided to stay in and dry.  We played games and watched “The Princess and the Frog” and several episodes of “Spiderman”. Late in the afternoon, the rain stopped and the sun came out! The temperature was almost 70. Our son and his partner called and asked if we wanted to meet for dinner. We met them at TGIFriday’s a couple hours later, then went back home and had baths and went to bed early (Punky’s bedtime is 8:00 P.M.).

Monday – Punky woke up at 3:30 Monday morning coughing…and coughed continually. I went to work until 11:30, and Pa stayed with her…then I came home and he went to work until 5:00. We gave her extra inhalers, cough meds, allergy meds, Tylenol…lots of fluids…and kept her very quiet (movies, play doh, naps, etc.). By Monday evening, she seemed to be improving a bit…but shortly before bedtime, she told me that “her breath was gone”…which is what she says when she isn’t getting a full breath. So I got the oxygen meter and checked…sure enough her oxygen level was staying 90-94. If it is above 90…we are not in an emergency…but at 95 it is still low. Below 90…means breathing treatments ASAP (at best) or emergency room (at worst). I began texting back and forth with my daughter about the low readings…and continued taking readings even after Punky fell asleep. They finally stabilized around 94. I turned off the light and lay down next to her…and for the next several hours…listened to her breathing…felt her back/chest for rattling…and prayed for her to get good breaths. She slept through the night with no coughing…and I eventually fell asleep…waking often to check her breathing.

Tuesday – I awoke Tuesday morning at 5:30…to my daughter’s dog needing out. Our two dogs were sleeping in the guest room with my husband…and our daughter’s dog was sleeping in the room with Punky and me. I got up to let him out…and realized that he had pooped several times during the night…right… square… in the doorway. I began to clean it up very quietly…trying not to wake Punky. Just as I finished cleaning and opened the door to let the dog (Dudley) out…Punky woke up. I jogged to the kitchen and put him outside…jogged back to the bedroom and lay back down to see how Punky was feeling…and she sat up and began to cough…non-stop. I comforted her for a bit… and carried her to the living room and got her settled on the couch with a pillow and blanket…and administered both inhalers and gave her a drink of water.

About that time my husband came in…with our two dogs trailing behind him. I let the dogs outside and grabbed my phone…texted my supervisor that I would not be in…and went to let the dogs all in. Punky’s cough continued unabated…and her oxygen was down to 93…so I retrieved the nebulizer and began to assemble it for a breathing treatment. As I was working on the nebulizer, Punky sneezed…and I looked up to see snot literally covering her mouth and chin. I ran into the living room and grabbed some Kleenex. As I pulled the Kleenex from the box…I noticed out of the corner of my eye that one of our dogs (Winnie) had pooped next to the rocking chair immediately after coming back in the house. I cleaned Punky’s face up…calmed her down…and began to clean up the new “field of poop”. As I was scrubbing the carpet with a wet rag…I heard a gagging sound and turned to see our other dog (Doc) vomiting on the kitchen floor.

I must say…at this point…I was torn between wanting to escape…and yearning for a giant margarita.

My husband was in the kitchen trying to assemble the nebulizer for me…without much success. I suggested that he google “assembling nebulizer facemask”….so he googled the name and serial number instead…and came up with a parts list. After a couple more unsuccessful attempts…he declared that he needed to get to work…and left… (I found his hasty departure funny later…but at the time…not so much).

Eventually, I did get the poop/vomit/snot all taken care of…assembled the nebulizer…and took Punky’s oxygen level again and found that it had risen to 94.

Over the course of the morning, we played quietly, took meds, and I disassembled the nebulizer…thinking that we would not need it…but left it on the table just in case. Our daughter skipped her last session of the trip and headed home to be with Punky.

When Mom arrived, we ate a bite of lunch, I updated her on how things were going, then I went to work around 1:30 p.m. When I got off at 5:00, I headed back to their house to see how things were going…and they had worsened. We gave Punky a breathing treatment, broke the oxygen meter, and had to go after another one. By the time we got the new meter home…the treatment had helped and oxygen was up to 98.

I packed up both of our dogs and headed home (where my husband had gone when he got off work at 5:00). However, a storm had blown in…and as I loaded the car…it was pouring rain. We live about 20 miles away, so I got on the elevated highway (the quickest route) and realized …a bit too late… that it was raining so hard that I could not see…so I got off at the next exit…and proceeded to take surface roads. Everything was fine for several miles…but as I approached the downtown area…the roads were flooding, and I drove for the next 3-4 miles very slowly (5 mph)…trying not to stall out. So…I returned to the elevated highway…and drove 40 MPH…on a 60 MPH road all the way home. I’m sure that if anyone had been able to see/hear our trip home…they would have assumed that I was insane. I was terrified…and could not see the lines on the road…or the guard rails on either side. I began to talk out loud…reassuring myself that I was doing fine…reminding me to focus on the occasional road markings…and repeating “You got this!”

I finally reached home a bit after 9:00 p.m.…ate a few bites of turkey…took a hot shower and a valium…and hit the bed!

Wednesday - Punky did great all night, and went in to work with her mom this morning until about 10:45. At that point…she was running around like a crazed 4 year old…and her oxygen was holding at 98…so mom took her to pre-school for ½ day and nap time.

Hopefully the rest of the week will be much calmer…but you never know!

Friday, April 15, 2016

April 15, 2016

TGIF!! Finally Friday! It has been a long week. So far I have kept my diet on track (one day at a time), and either met or almost met my step goal. I am down 3 pounds...not a lot...but a start. Thursday was the exception to the steps…I had the early shift at work…and errands afterwards that precluded making my step goal.

I checked in with my step mother…she is doing well. My half-sister lives in the same town as my step mother, and she has been spending time with her…and her own kids have been very attentive as well.

Walking and being aware of my body, mind, and attitude have all proven helpful this week. I am beginning to feel the anxiety/depression lessen. I am still having some back/neck pain every day…but even that is better. It is amazing how easy it is to lose touch with the person in the mirror.

I found myself singing along with the radio this morning, on the drive in to work. I haven’t done that for quite a while. In fact…most days I didn’t even turn it on. I am an old hippie…straight from the 60’s & 70’s…so music has always been a huge part of my life. But for a long time…it just seemed to add to the noise of my emotions…so it was one more thing that went by the wayside.

Each day…I get a little longer glimpse of “me”. That is very reassuring.

This journey has taught me many things…some good things…and some not so good. One of the hardest lessons has been in realizing just how little control we have over…anything. The only thing that we can control…is how we respond to life…and even controlling that is oftentimes impossible. We cannot always protect or take care of…everyone around us…because sometimes we need protected and taken care of…and that’s okay.

We can only do…what we can do…and that’s okay too

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April 12

So…just an observation today…I have been sort of “waiting” for the feeling of stress to begin to abate. I thought that I was beginning to do a bit better until yesterday evening. By the time I got home at 6:00…my back hurt so badly that I was almost in tears. I took a muscle relaxant and it is much better today.

However, I have been walking etc.…in an effort to destress…and it wasn’t until this afternoon that I realized that relaxing is going to be a conscious process. I was walking downtown (on my lunch hour) and as I walked along my back began to hurt…and my chest tightened up. It was then that I realized that my fists were both balled up tightly, my stomach was clenched as stiffly as possible, and my shoulders were drawn forward and down in a half hunched clench.

I slowed my walk…then consciously began to tell myself to relax...I unclenched my fists, unclenched my stomach…and relaxed my shoulders. For the rest of my walk, I remained aware of my body…kept repeating to myself…”relax…relax”.

By the time I reached my building…the pain in my back had subsided…and I actually felt better.

Who knew?!

Monday, April 11, 2016

April 11 – the aftermath

The past two years have been very hard. There have been times when it was almost unbearable. I have an amazing family (husband, son, daughter, and granddaughter), and they have been my strength through it all. I could not have done it on my own.

The last few days have brought some realizations to the forefront…and they have been most unpleasant. During the last year and a half of Mom’s illness and death…and the last six months of my Dad’s illness and death…I have become a mess. The battle with depression and anxiety have become an ongoing, daily, many times hourly thing.

I am not a pretty person (by any stretch), but I have always taken care with my appearance. Over the past few months…I had become so tired…inside and out…that I just plain stopped caring. The result is that I have gained 15 pounds…and my hair, nails, and general appearance have gone to hell in a hand bag. I have always been a “walker”, I work in the downtown area, and during my lunch hour each day, I have walked. Not only do I enjoy walking, but it has always been a stress buster for me. For some time now…I have been going to my car during my lunch hour and sleeping instead of walking. I have been eating candy like there is no tomorrow. I quit taking care of my hair and nails. I guess…overall…I just felt too tired and lost to do anything that wasn’t necessary.

I began to be aware of how far I had slipped backwards about a week ago…and now it is time to fix this mess. So…I asked my husband to take a couple inches (dead ends) off of my hair…and I became reacquainted with L’OrĂ©al. I went to the salon and had my nails done. Instead of strapping on my Fitbit every morning…and then ignoring it…I am back on track trying to attain my step goal each day (no more car naps). And, I am trying desperately to eat right (fruits, vegetables, lean meat…no candy or bread), and am once again stepping on the scales every morning.

I know that it is going to take a while to find “me” again….but I am searching. I am still battling depression/anxiety…but hopefully things will begin to improve soon.

And so begins a new journey.

Friday, April 08, 2016

April 8 – glioblastoma multiforme progression

On Saturday, April 2, the tumor took its final toll. My dad passed away a bit before noon. He went peacefully and without pain.

The funeral was yesterday (Thursday, April 7). It still doesn’t seem real to me that he and mom are both gone. Dad has three surviving brothers and one surviving sister…all of them are older (he was the baby). Dad turned 80 years old on March 25…one of his brothers turned 93 on Thursday…the day that we buried dad.

It has been a terrible week…we had such an outpouring of love and support from family and friends…which helped. The business of moving forward now lies ahead. In some ways…the hardest part.

Friday, April 01, 2016

April 1 - glioblastoma multiforme progression

We are now seeing a distinct change in my dad. He is no longer waking up. From time to time it seems as though he might be waking a bit…but he falls asleep again immediately. He hasn’t taken anything by mouth in 24 hours…including his steroid or seizure medication.

He does seem to be peaceful…no agitation as he sleeps…and no apparent pain or discomfort.

I have no idea how long he will continue in this stage…everything that I read says that it could go on for days…but with no intake of even fluids…I don’t see how that is possible. Now with no steroids…I assume inflammation will begin to increase. My biggest concern at this point is that he may linger long enough for the inflammation to cause pain.

My step mother has been a rock through all of this. She has given him excellent care…and loves him with all of her heart…every minute.

I feel that we are most likely in the last days/hours now.